is not a game

The project - context

Nowadays, we are witnessing a terrible connection between young people and gambling. Young people start playing games at an early age and they
are increasingly becoming addicted to them, which has increased the appearance and stability in this type of pathologies.
Every day we wake up seeing that the media warn about the huge growth in the addiction to gambling in the most vulnerable population, focused
mainly on sports betting online, card games, poker and role-playing games where competitions are established to earn money.
The pathological gambling is a disease recognized by WHO (World Health Organization) and not only affects the addictive aspect, but also the
impulse control. It usually reflects another type of problem, disguised through the game (for example, to try to change their future, leaving everything
at random of the game, so that young people think they have the control over things but as it happens it is the game which controls them.

All this leads, on the one hand, to the idea that everything looks very nice because that is how it is exposed by the commercial gambling houses; but,
on the other hand, we find the vulnerable person, the teen attracted by the fleeting economic success who has with a single click thousands of
opportunities to bet, play with money, etc. And worse still, to ignore and disregard the problem, which makes them more impulsive and leads them to
follow the guidelines demanded by the game and constant publicity (encouraging them to play all day long and to test all kinds of offers presented).
With this project, we intend to raise awareness on the society of the problem, to make them see it exists and affects 5% of the population. And not
only that, because more young people belong to that 5%: they fall into that pathology that leads them, in many cases, to dramatic outcomes such as
suicide, as a result of not being able to face the problem and seeing no way out.


This project will be focused on four points:
1. Awareness and disclosure of the pathology of gambling as addiction and lack of control of the person (to learn where the danger is and to
recognize whether one is addicted or not);
2. Focusing on the problem, when, how and why young people fall into this type of addiction, prevention work, explaining the dangers of additive play
and how to deal with gambling addiction;
3. Treatment of the disease from the option of alternatives, different options that can lead to responsible gambling and the occupation of free time in
other types of habits;
4. Reinsertion of the recovered player, change of habits, socialization and control and follow-up of their lifestyle after having recovered to prevent
them from returning to recurring in the pathological game.

Our Products

Game Pathological Disorders Plan

A plan for the prevention of game pathological disorders.

Aid Guide

Create an aid guide for families and the environment of the
young at risk, providing information about the problem and thus allowing collaboration in the detection and treatment of the problem.


A four-episode video: Promotional video about addition problem, testimony of a rehabilitated player, from responsible gambling to pathological gambling, the waste of time.


Meetings and Conferences will be held.